eFIPonline is a website to assist in the retrieval of relevant articles describing protein phosphorylation-dependent protein-protein interactions (PPIs), together with extraction of information about protein kinases, substrates, and interacting partners. Both Medline abstracts and PMC full-length articles are displayed. Results are pre-processed and updated on a quarterly basis. These can be queried by searching for proteins in any of the three types (kinase, substrate, or interacting partner), searching directly for PMIDs/PMCIDs, or by using a PubMed-style query.
Enter Keywords (accepts Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT)

Enter Protein Names and Type (accepts Boolean operator OR for synonyms)
Enter a List of IDs (delimited by comma or space) and Specify the Type

You can process up to 200 PMIDs per run. Sample output

Database last updated on: December 2014