pGenN is a system specifically designed for plant gene normalization. This pGenN website enables user search gene normalization information by keywords, a list of PMIDs, or UniProt ACs in the database. The results (Gene names and corresponding UniProt ACs) are displayed in sortable tables with text evidence and downloadable for further research.
If you use pGenN, please cite: Ding R, Arighi CN, Lee JY, Wu CH, Vijay-Shanker K. pGenN, a gene normalization tool for plant genes and proteins in scientific literature. PLoS One. 2015, 10(8):e0135305. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135305. eCollection 2015. PMID:26258475; PMCID:PMC4530884.
Enter gene name(s), e.g., "AtWBC11", and/or keywords in PubMed-style query (accepts Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)), e.g., "TSB1 AND anther”. Alternatively, enter a list of PubMed IDs (PMIDs) separated by comma, space or newline, e.g., "19825601, 23271982, 12481088". You can also search for any particular UniProt AC, e.g., "Q8RXN0".