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  • Peng Y, Torii M , Wu CH, Vijay-Shanker K. A generalizable NLP framework for fast development of pattern-based biomedical relation extraction systems. BMC Bioinformatics. 2014, 15:285.
  • Peng Y, Tudor CO, Torii M , Wu CH, Vijay-Shanker K. iSimp in BioC standard format: Enhancing the interoperability of a sentence simplification system. Database. 2014.
  • Comeau DC, Batista-Navarro R, Dai HJ, Doğan RI, Jimeno Yepes A, Khare R, Lu Z, Marques H, Mattingly C, Neves M, Peng Y, Rak R, Rinaldi F, Tsai TH, Verspoor, K, Wiegers T, Wu CH, Wilbur WJ. BioC Interoperability Track Overview. Database. 2014.
  • Torii M*, Li G*, Li Z, Oughtred R, Diella F, Çelen I, Arighi CN, Huang H, K. Vijay-Shanker K, Wu CH (2014) RLIMS-P: An online text mining tool for literature- based extraction of protein phosphorylation information. Database (2014). [*First authorship shared]
  • Torii M, Arighi CN, Li G, Wang Q, Wu CH, Vijay-Shanker K. (accepted). RLIMS-P 2.0: A Generalizable Rule-Based Information Extraction System for Literature Mining of Protein Phosphorylation Information. IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
  • Ross KE, Tudor CO, Li G, Ding R, Celen I, Arighi CN, Wu CH, Natale DA. (2014). Knowledge Representation of Protein PTMs and Complexes in the Protein Ontology for Multi-Faceted Disease Analysis. International Conference on Biomedical Ontology.
  • Samir Gupta, Catalina O Tudor, Cathy H Wu, Carl J Schmidt, and K Vijay-Shanker. Automatically Identifying Biological Functions of microRNAs from the Literature. In Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine SMBM 2014, Aveiro, Portugal, October 2014.
  • Karen E Ross, Catalina O Tudor, Gang Li, Ruoyao Ding, Irem Celen, Cecilia N Arighi, Cathy H Wu, and Darren A Natale. Knowledge Representation of Protein PTMs and Complexes in the Protein Ontology for Multi-Faceted Diseases Analysis. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies ICBO 2014, Houston, TX, October 2014.